An interesting day

Today have been interesting for me. As said before we are currently working on a project at the university, where we're making a distributed music player, which can stream music files from several devices making it some kind of cooperative jukebox. It's really fun, as we finally started programming it Smilie: :) I thought I would tell a little about the progress. Today we have been working on the GUI (graphical user interface, which is known from several applications for computers today) we are able to stream a song from a computer, and we are nearly able to play it. If our buffer is big enough everything works fine, but the problem arises when we are going to reuse the buffer and overwrite the old data. The player begins to sound really strange, as it is playing music from different parts of the song, and sometimes finishes before the song has really finished playing. Anyway this problem will hopefully be fixed soon.

Another thing which I have in mind is, that I hopefully will be able to rebuild my web page soon. Not sure I'll get the time for that, but I still hope. I have some ideas in mind, but nothing I have been working on, and I still need to find out how to make the graphic for the page, as I already have some ideas about this too. Regarding the other page I was building in the summer holidays - I have gotten a little further but nothing to write about yet.

Many of my weekends lately have been spend on other things than my computer and hobby projects. I've been working a lot, and last weekend I was in Kolding as already told in here for the 24 hour race. This weekend I had some friends visiting at Friday, and as a Christmas brew got released in Denmark I kind of had to taste this with my friends from the university (as it's nearly a tradition in Denmark that people go celebrate this). At Saturday I went to visit my mom as it was her birthday yesterday, and at Saturday we were eating together and bowling because of her birthday. I slept at her place to Sunday, and as we slept longer than expected I got home later than planned. When I got home I was reading for this weeks courses, and it was my turn to make dinner, so the weekend has been busy as well. This weekend I'm going to work again, so it'll also be over fast, unfortunately Smilie: :(

Anyway, had a bit more than usually to tell you guys about, but now I think I'm done for this post Smilie: :)


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