These last days have been really busy for me. I've been working for most of the weekend, and yesterday I was working too. I'm working again at Friday and Saturday. Actually I'm not really in the mood for working all the time, and I'm seriously feeling forced to do something dramatically soon, I'm behind reading at the university, which is a bad thing, as I'm worried that I'm gonna fall behind, but also I could use the extra cash for my budget - more money to do fun things, but not always the time for it.
As I'm falling behind this week at the university, I'm in the need for time, to catch up. I hope I'll be able to manage it, but as it looks right now, I'm just feeling like it'll be very hard. Properly I'll get the time soon. Also my project of making a new web page for one of my fathers friends have been on hold for some time, I've made minor things but nothing big. Right now everything is kind of on standby, the only reason why I'm actually writing this post, is because we decided to start a little later than normally tomorrow.
A good thing which is around the corner is, that there are only 1 month until the 24h sim race I'm going to. I had little time to train the evening, as I'd stopped reading for today, when I had spend from 8:15am to 9pm on uni work. I'm really looking forward to it, unfortunately I need to make a prioritization on the sim racing and DotA 2 which is not hard to decide when the sim racing is just in next month. Hopefully after that I'll get some time playing DotA from time to time, and I might even get the time to write little about it here.
Hope you'll have a good night all of you out there, even if it's not nighttime at your place.
-Archi (the whiny bitch)