Hello there!
Tonight I've finally been able to update my web page, with some content. I've put in contact information for different methods of contacting me. I've put in a new portfolio item (I will talk about this later) and I've corrected somethings that didn't look as good on the page. So all in all pretty good, next up should be to write a twitter OAUTH for collecting my latest tweets as the API changed (a long time ago now), and then I should probably also update the home page. Also I need to implement the bread crumbs.
Now to the updating of the portfolio. I've put in a new entry for my windows phone edition of my wish list app. I have published it to the Windows Phone store, and provided a link for this on the page. Also I've planned to update the app, as of now I'm not using the category for anything on a wish. However, I have planned to use this for a grouped list such that one can click a group item and get to all the wishes of that category. Also I should probably update the graphical user interface at some point.
At the moment I have some time away from the university as I have finished all my exams and first start again at the 3. February. I have been spending some of the time at work, and other than that I have been doing some things at home, as well as a lot of other things.
- Archi